It’s… ALIVE!

Hello? Hello?

Goodness, look at how dusty this place is. Sorry I’ve been gone so long since my last post in *checks* February last year? Whoops…

My new year’s resolution was to do a bit of cyber-necromancy and bring this blog back to life with new posts and a shiny new look. So, over the next few weeks and continuing into February and March (where, fingers crossed, it won’t be accidentally abandoned again) I’ll be adding a few posts about my favourite books and TV shows of last year.

Last time I did a ‘Top TV’ thing every show was discussed in the same post, but this year I’m splitting a few of the shows off the list into their own seperate entries because I’ve been away too long and I’ve got too many thoughts to fit onto one post without it becoming a never-ending scroll that would break mouse wheels and send anyone that dared read it mad with frustration.

So look for the first ‘2015’s Top TV’ entry in the next few days. The books one will be along soon too, in the same format as last year.

Thanks for reading!


(Image © Sales and Marketing Solutions.)

One Year On

This Friday, the 10th of October, will be the one-year anniversary of this blog. Hooray!

This blog began as an excuse to go on at length about how good my favourite shows are without anyone being able to interrupt me (see: the Community and Doctor Who posts that have been so numerous that they now have their own categories) and to highlight the best new shows that have recently aired.

Well, that was the idea anyway, but I chose to make the first post on this blog about a promising new TV show called Agents of SHIELD, and it turned out to be complete rubbish. The show did, not the post. Well, maybe the post, too.

Luckily, every show that I’ve written about in the twenty-five posts since then has been rather good, and I’ve also had a look at a few classics that are no longer on the air, and plenty of shows that I’m still catching up on.

The updates aren’t quite as frequent as they were when this blog began, and there’s so much good telly on nowadays that a few of 2014’s biggest shows have passed me by (like True Detective and Fargo) but, when I do update, I hope that the posts are worth a read and that my lame attempts at humour provoke a chuckle or two.

Hopefully one of these blog entries causes you to check out a show which you’d never heard of before that ends up becoming one of your new favourites. Like Hannibal. Or Orphan Black. Or The Shield. Or Friday Night Lights.

Oddly, despite me being a Brit, most of the posts here are about American TV, only a few are about British shows, and even less are about British shows that don’t have ‘Doctor’ in the title. I’ll try to redress that balance in the next few months.

I’ll also keep trying to improve my writing. Another reason for starting this blog was to get better at articulating my thoughts and explaining why I hold certain opinions about something. So far, I think I have improved, and I’ve even managed to entertain a few people along the way.

After initially expecting this to be read by approximately zero people, it’s been a nice surprise to have received a few likes and a few comments – positive ones, even! – and over a dozen followers. Many thanks to all of you, hope you still like what you read and feel free to leave a comment to tell me what you think and what I’m doing right or wrong.

Future entries? Well, before the year is out,  I’ll be catching up on True Detective – it’s only 8 episodes, dunno why it’s taken me so long to get to it – and the Fargo miniseries. Also, since it was announced mere hours ago that Twin Peaks is returning in 2016, I think it’s time for me to finally crack open that boxset that’s been collecting dust on my shelf and see what all the fuss is about.

What else? Uh… actually, probably best not to plan too much. Usually when I try to plan ahead it doesn’t end well and long-promised posts never turn up, but I will actually do these ones, promise. And more!

Thanks for reading.


Blog update!


This is just a quick filler post update, since I haven’t written about the blog itself since it started in October last year.

Much to my surprise, people are actually reading this, and liking posts, and following the blog. So thank you, you mysterious internet-travellers, I hope you like what you read. If you do, maybe post a comment. If you don’t, maybe post a comment. I’d like to have some feedback, basically.

If you’re new to this blog, hello! Welcome! How are you? That’s great, let me show you around. If you like Doctor Who, you’ve come to the right place. The first post on this blog ever was about a show that ended up being a bit rubbish, but luckily there’s been some good stuff on, like Veep and The Wrong Mans. Incidentally, The Wrong Mans post is, for some reason, the most popular post on the blog. It’s also the shortest. COINCIDENCE? Perhaps not.

Do you like Community? It’s good! Never seen it before? No worries, here’s why you might like it and here’s its best bits. Do you like lists? Got some cracking lists for you. Best Christmas episodes,best TV of 2013, all of that goodness.

There’s not a lot on at the moment, though, so recent posts have been focused on older TV shows (E.g. the entire Rewind, Rewatch feature series – Friday Night Lights, Fringe, Fr– oh, that’s it).

Due to all of the blog posts being fairly long, I only put the first few paragraphs of each post on the front page, to avoid it being covered in one long post and pushing the others really far down the page where no-one would ever see them. To read the rest of the posts, click the ‘Read More’ link at the bottom of each post on the front page. Do it. Go on, it’ll be fun. Promise.

Coming up: House of Cards (the Netflix remake), True Detective, something British – I haven’t done many posts about British TV (British TV that isn’t Doctor Who, anyway), but that’s going to change soon. Also coming up: more old shows for the ‘Rewind, Rewatch’ feature, including the original British version of House of Cards, and other shows that don’t begin with ‘Fr’.

Thanks for reading,



Hello, I’m Daniel. Welcome to my blog. I love television. I watch far too much of it really, and could ramble on about it for hours and hours. However, if I did, my friends would be bored to tears and possibly stop talking to me. So I started this blog, a collection of my thoughts, opinions, celebrations, concerns, rants and raves about TV, past and present. Mostly present.

Here I’ll be doing (hopefully) weekly posts about what’s on, and what’s long gone, what’s good and what to avoid at all costs. I hope you enjoy.

Incidentally, I’m not sure if anyone will actually read this. It’s entirely possible that this will basically be me talking to myself once a week. But if you are reading this and feel like leaving a comment or some feedback, please do!
